I want to visit Thailand!

 I really want to visit Thailand!


Links for Thailand:

Thailand wikipedia

Travel to Thailand (Travel Blog)

Here is a nice YouTube video:

These are things I want to do!!

1. I want to see the great temples!
2. I want to ride on the back of an elephant!
3. I want to shopping at the water market!
4. I also want to shopping at Train Night Market Ratchada!
5. I want to participate in 
lantern Festival, which is the model of "Tangled"!

Here is a google map of Thailand :

Thank you for reading my blog!!


  1. I've never gone to Thailand so I want to go.

  2. I want to go to the location in the picture you put in the upper right corner. It's so beautiful!

  3. I could not go to Thailand when I was a high school student because of COVID-19.
    I want to go to Thailand.

  4. I've never heard the castle in Thailand!

  5. I like Thailand and the food is very delicious! The temples were marvelous and I want to see again!

  6. Thailand is very coroful place! I want to visit there and buy traditional suvenior.

  7. I also want to join the lantern Festival!
    It looks joyful.

  8. I have not ridden on back of elephant. If I have a chance to visit there, I feel like trying it!




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